Libyan Rebel Leader With U.S. Ties Feels Abandoned -- McClatchy News
BENGHAZI, Libya — Khalifa Hifter thought he'd be America's man in Libya.
He'd spent the last 24 years living under what he calls U.S. government protection in suburban northern Virginia. Before he returned to Libya last month, State Department and CIA officials sought him out for meetings. He delivered to them wish lists of weapons and vehicles to bolster the fight against Moammar Gadhafi.
To his frustration, however, U.S. officials haven't contacted him since. They've ignored his pleas for direct military support while the rebels steadily lose ground to Gadhafi's better-equipped forces.
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My Comment: The U.K. and France are the only two countries that are committed (and determined) to be engaged in this fight and to support the rebels in their goal of overthrowing Gadaffi. As for the U.S., Khalifa Hifter is right when he bluntly states that they have been abandoned by this White House, and are now AWOL on this fight.