Now 12 More Of Gaddafi's Tyrant Men Head to Britain: Regime Faces Collapse As 'Dirty Dozen' Follow Musa Kusa -- Daily Mail
A 'dirty dozen' of senior Libyan officials are expected to follow Musa Kusa and defect from Colonel Gaddafi’s inner circle, leaving his regime on the verge of collapse.
Security sources claimed last night that two senior ministers in the Libyan government with long-standing links to the UK were already in Tunis discussing terms with British and French intelligence officers.
Rumours were swirling that Gaddafi’s head of intelligence and his Europe minister are also on the run.
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My Comment: This news is probably just bravado and part of the propaganda war, Gaddafi's intelligence chief Bouzeid Dorda has already denied the rumors that he has defected. For a look at who has defected and who still remains in Gaddafi's inner circle .... the list is here.