Can't wait to get me one of those full-autos available without background checks!
A retired criminology professor has put out his own press release announcing his anti-gun blog. While there's nothing noteworthy about that, his hawking a self-published book caught my eye.
Go to the Amazon link and then click on the "Look Inside" option. If you read the first few pages, it's obvious he has a "gunman" shooting up a thinly-disguised NRA headquarters, replete with Wayne LaPierre clone "William LaPlante."
Naturally, the gunman sprays "automatic gunfire" from an AK-47, and naturally, the intrepid hero is an "Authorized Journalist" who asks LaPlante:
Now that you've seen first hand the terrible damage from assault rifles, aren't you willing to back legislation to ban them?"In other words, this author is either ignorant or a liar. And he published a book that's based on a demonstrably false premise.
Then there's this whole business about shooting up NRA HQ while innocents soil themselves--and the author justifies it using a hospital massacre to blame NRA, or what it ostensibly represents--you know, you and me.
Pretty warped fantasy, but pretty revealing about what makes this guy tick.
Say, do you think if I take his lead and write a similar fictitious piece about somebody violently raiding, say, Grady Campaign headquarters with a machete--to prove that if they'd had guns they could have repelled him--that it might get some folks upset? Not that I would. That doesn't have near the dramatic potential of taking a steamroller to one of those anti-gun "Lie-Ins"...
Hey, he started it...