Lost in Libya: Kadafi's Still There, And So Are The Rebels And Their Western Allies. So What's The Endgame? -- L.A. Times Editorial
What's happening in Libya? When we last checked in, President Obama had said that the United States would participate in the U.N.-sponsored no-fly zone but that this was not — repeat not — a war to oust Moammar Kadafi. Rather, the narrow purpose of the operation was to avert humanitarian disaster. He acknowledged that he would like to see Kadafi go, but said that under no circumstances would ground troops be sent in to make that happen. Instead, the U.S. would use nonmilitary means to hasten the strongman's departure. The president tied it all up in a neat package and made it sound promising and uplifting, like a victory for morality, for democracy, for innocent civilians at risk and for the whole idea of limited humanitarian intervention.
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Shameful U.S. Inaction On Syria’s Massacres -- Washington Post Editorial
FOR THE PAST five weeks, growing numbers of Syrians have been gathering in cities and towns across the country to demand political freedom — and the security forces of dictator Bashar al-Assad have been responding by opening fire on them. According to Syrian human rights groups, more than 220 people had been killed by Friday. And Friday may have been the worst day yet: According to Western news organizations, which mostly have had to gather information from outside the country, at least 75 people were gunned down in places that included the suburbs of Damascus, the city of Homs and a village near the southern town of Daraa, where the protests began.
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My Comment: Two major newspapers that have been consistent in their support of President Obama are finally noticing that a good chunk of the world is unraveling, and the man that they supported lavishly in the last election to prevent this has gone .... hmmmm .... AWOL.
How come I am not surprised.