US Army Report Reveals Discipline Breakdown In "Kill Team Brigade"

In this image, soldier Jeremy Morlock poses with the same corpse. The US Army apologized last Monday for the behavior of the soldiers involved in the "kill team." A week ago, a US military tribunal convicted the 22-year-old army specialist to 24 years in prison after pleading guilty to being part of the "kill team." Morlock is testifying against his fellow soldiers as part of a plea bargain.

Report Reveals Discipline Breakdown in Kill Team Brigade -- Spiegel Online

A secret US Army investigative report has revealed a breakdown of discipline in the 5th Stryker Brigade, home to the "kill team" that allegedly murdered Afghan civilians. According to the report, which has been obtained by SPIEGEL, the commander helped to create an environment where misconduct could occur.

The case of the so-called "kill team," a group of US soldiers who allegedly murdered innocent civilians in Afghanistan, has made headlines around the world. So far, the focus has been on the individual troops and the question of how they could have committed such brutal acts, which have been compared to the abuses perpetrated at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

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My Comment: This is a story that begs for more investigation and reporting. Unfortunately .... for their own reasons the press has gone completely AWOL on this story.

What is my take .... no one wants to dwell too deep in this story .... and those who made a bone about Abu Ghraib a few years ago, are choosing to stay quiet in this case because their 'man" is in the White House. The only one who has come out publicly on this double standard from the media is former U.S. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld ... but no one is listening to him.

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