Obama Administration Considers Altering U.S. Military's Global Role -- Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration, with very little fanfare, has launched what national security experts say is the most significant reconsideration of the United States' military role in the world since at least the end of the Cold War.
The announcement was made yesterday in President Obama's deficit speech, in which he appeared to call for cutting as much as another $400 billion in spending from the Department of Defense.
"Over the last two years, [Defense] Secretary [Robert] Gates has courageously taken on wasteful spending, saving $400 billion in current and future spending. I believe we can do that again. We need to not only eliminate waste and improve efficiency and effectiveness, but conduct a fundamental review of America's missions, capabilities, and our role in a changing world," Obama said.
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My Comment: If you are going to cut $400 billion from your defense budget .... trust me .... your new global role will essentially be one that is focused on having a lesser role, or a role in only a few regions.
Is this a good thing? Hmmmm ... when you are running $1.7 trillion dollar deficits .... do you have a choice?