Move to C.I.A. Puts Petraeus in Conflict With Pakistan -- New York Times
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The appointment of Gen. David H. Petraeus as director of the Central Intelligence Agency puts him more squarely than ever in conflict with Pakistan, whose military leadership does not regard him as a friend and where he will now have direct control over the armed drone campaign that the Pakistani military says it wants stopped.
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My Comment: I have no sympathy for the Pakistani position. They are openly supporting a terrorist group (the Haqqani network) that are killing and maiming U.S./NATO troops and our Afghan allies. If they are not willing to stop these people who are on their own soil .... what can I say .... but be prepare for the consequences. Unfortunately .... U.S. - Pakistan relations are going to go into the toilet even more than where they are now, and the conflict between U.S./NATO/Afghan soldiers and the Taliban are going to increase even more. But there are no good options in this situation .... but the realization that we need someone like Patraeus in the CIA to confront Pakistan when they need to be confronted.