Osama Bin Laden Killing May Shift Afghan Strategy -- L.A. Times
The raid emboldens policymakers who have argued for targeted strikes in the war on terrorism. Even some supporters of the troop buildup in Afghanistan are reconsidering their position.
Reporting from Washington — The killing of Osama bin Laden has reignited a debate over how best to fight Al Qaeda-inspired terrorism, strengthening the position of those who argue U.S. strategy should rely on targeted strikes against militant leaders in places like Pakistan rather than send tens of thousands of American troops to wage war in Afghanistan.
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Killing Adds to Debate About U.S. Strategy and Timetable in Afghanistan -- New York Times
Afghan Violence Seen Dragging on Despite Bin Laden Death -- New York Times/Reuters
Afghans worry bin Laden’s death could weaken U.S. resolve -- Washington Post
NATO vows to stay in Afghanistan despite bin Laden death -- Yahoo News/AFP
Twenty-five fighters killed, wounded near Afghan-Pakistan border -- Reuters
NATO Forces Kill 25 Insurgents In Afghanistan -- RTT News
Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill ‘Numerous’ Insurgents -- Voice of America
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy -- The Daily Mail
Afghan Police: NATO Bombs Kill at Least 5 Guards -- New York Times/Reuters
NATO friendly fire kills up to 10 Afghans: police -- International News
A Celebration Of Spring -- Strategy Page
Factbox: Security developments in Afghanistan -- Reuters
Afghanistan: Where Even the Taliban Don't Care About Bin Laden -- Time
Hillary Clinton urges Taliban to abandon violence -- BBC
Karzai Urges Taliban to Learn 'Lesson'
More News On Afghanistan
Killing Adds to Debate About U.S. Strategy and Timetable in Afghanistan -- New York Times
Afghan Violence Seen Dragging on Despite Bin Laden Death -- New York Times/Reuters
Afghans worry bin Laden’s death could weaken U.S. resolve -- Washington Post
NATO vows to stay in Afghanistan despite bin Laden death -- Yahoo News/AFP
Twenty-five fighters killed, wounded near Afghan-Pakistan border -- Reuters
NATO Forces Kill 25 Insurgents In Afghanistan -- RTT News
Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill ‘Numerous’ Insurgents -- Voice of America
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy -- The Daily Mail
Afghan Police: NATO Bombs Kill at Least 5 Guards -- New York Times/Reuters
NATO friendly fire kills up to 10 Afghans: police -- International News
A Celebration Of Spring -- Strategy Page
Factbox: Security developments in Afghanistan -- Reuters
Afghanistan: Where Even the Taliban Don't Care About Bin Laden -- Time
Hillary Clinton urges Taliban to abandon violence -- BBC
Karzai Urges Taliban to Learn 'Lesson'
Twenty-five fighters killed, wounded near Afghan-Pakistan border -- Reuters
NATO Forces Kill 25 Insurgents In Afghanistan -- RTT News
Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill ‘Numerous’ Insurgents -- Voice of America
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy -- The Daily Mail
Afghan Police: NATO Bombs Kill at Least 5 Guards -- New York Times/Reuters
NATO friendly fire kills up to 10 Afghans: police -- International News
A Celebration Of Spring -- Strategy Page
Factbox: Security developments in Afghanistan -- Reuters
Afghanistan: Where Even the Taliban Don't Care About Bin Laden -- Time
Hillary Clinton urges Taliban to abandon violence -- BBC
Karzai Urges Taliban to Learn 'Lesson' From Bin Laden's Killing -- Voice of America
Osama's death raises questions in Afghanistan -- Al Jazeera
It's time to pull out of Afghanistan -- Jason Chaffetz, CNN
Death of Bin Laden Prompts Review of Pakistan Relations, Afghanistan Goals -- Bloomberg
What Does bin Laden's Death Mean for the War in Afghanistan? -- Yochi Dreazen, the Atlantic
NATO Forces Kill 25 Insurgents In Afghanistan -- RTT News
Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill ‘Numerous’ Insurgents -- Voice of America
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy -- The Daily Mail
Afghan Police: NATO Bombs Kill at Least 5 Guards -- New York Times/Reuters
NATO friendly fire kills up to 10 Afghans: police -- International News
A Celebration Of Spring -- Strategy Page
Factbox: Security developments in Afghanistan -- Reuters
Afghanistan: Where Even the Taliban Don't Care About Bin Laden -- Time
Hillary Clinton urges Taliban to abandon violence -- BBC
Karzai Urges Taliban to Learn 'Lesson' From Bin Laden's Killing -- Voice of America
Osama's death raises questions in Afghanistan -- Al Jazeera
It's time to pull out of Afghanistan -- Jason Chaffetz, CNN
Death of Bin Laden Prompts Review of Pakistan Relations, Afghanistan Goals -- Bloomberg
What Does bin Laden's Death Mean for the War in Afghanistan? -- Yochi Dreazen, the Atlantic