Obama Ponders Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal, Post-Bin Laden -- USA Today
We've known for more than a year that President Obama is planning to begin a troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in July, but we don't know what the pace will be.
Now we wonder if that pace will quicken after the death of Osama bin Laden.
Certainly many Democrats -- and some Republicans -- are urging a stepped-up withdrawal.
Read more ....
War in Afghanistan: Osama Bin Laden's Death Spurs Debate Over Troops' Future -- ABC News
Calls for getting out of Afghanistan grow after bin Laden's death -- CBS News
Afghanistan After Bin Laden: Some Lawmakers Want the War to End -- Atlantic Wire
France to mull faster exit from Afghanistan -- Stars and Stripes/AP
NATO: Strategy in Pakistan and Afghanistan won't change -- Xinhuanet
Forces Kill Insurgents in Paktia Province -- U.S. Department of Defense
Nine insurgents killed in Afghan, NATO attacks -- M&C
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy. -- Daily Mail
NATO denies killing Afghan guards -- AFP
In Afghan Outpost, Sunset Means A New Attack -- NPR
Russia Troops to Return to Afghanistan's Border? -- Eurasianet.org
Diggers in Afghan hit squads -- Sydney Morning Herald
Afghanistan raises criticism of Pakistan -- UPI
Afghanistan Uses News About Bin Laden to Inten
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More News On Afghanistan
War in Afghanistan: Osama Bin Laden's Death Spurs Debate Over Troops' Future -- ABC News
Calls for getting out of Afghanistan grow after bin Laden's death -- CBS News
Afghanistan After Bin Laden: Some Lawmakers Want the War to End -- Atlantic Wire
France to mull faster exit from Afghanistan -- Stars and Stripes/AP
NATO: Strategy in Pakistan and Afghanistan won't change -- Xinhuanet
Forces Kill Insurgents in Paktia Province -- U.S. Department of Defense
Nine insurgents killed in Afghan, NATO attacks -- M&C
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy. -- Daily Mail
NATO denies killing Afghan guards -- AFP
In Afghan Outpost, Sunset Means A New Attack -- NPR
Russia Troops to Return to Afghanistan's Border? -- Eurasianet.org
Diggers in Afghan hit squads -- Sydney Morning Herald
Afghanistan raises criticism of Pakistan -- UPI
Afghanistan Uses News About Bin Laden to Inten
NATO: Strategy in Pakistan and Afghanistan won't change -- Xinhuanet
Forces Kill Insurgents in Paktia Province -- U.S. Department of Defense
Nine insurgents killed in Afghan, NATO attacks -- M&C
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy. -- Daily Mail
NATO denies killing Afghan guards -- AFP
In Afghan Outpost, Sunset Means A New Attack -- NPR
Russia Troops to Return to Afghanistan's Border? -- Eurasianet.org
Diggers in Afghan hit squads -- Sydney Morning Herald
Afghanistan raises criticism of Pakistan -- UPI
Afghanistan Uses News About Bin Laden to Intensify Its Criticism of Pakistan -- New York Times
Will bin Laden's death end the United States' Afghan war? -- CNN
With Afghanistan, a moment of opportunity for Obama -- L.A. Times editorial
How Does Bin Laden's Death Change U.S. Equation in Af-Pak Region? -- PBS Newshour
War in Afghanistan Timeline -- Yahoo News
Forces Kill Insurgents in Paktia Province -- U.S. Department of Defense
Nine insurgents killed in Afghan, NATO attacks -- M&C
Afghan private security guard killed by friendly fire in Nato air strike on supply convoy. -- Daily Mail
NATO denies killing Afghan guards -- AFP
In Afghan Outpost, Sunset Means A New Attack -- NPR
Russia Troops to Return to Afghanistan's Border? -- Eurasianet.org
Diggers in Afghan hit squads -- Sydney Morning Herald
Afghanistan raises criticism of Pakistan -- UPI
Afghanistan Uses News About Bin Laden to Intensify Its Criticism of Pakistan -- New York Times
Will bin Laden's death end the United States' Afghan war? -- CNN
With Afghanistan, a moment of opportunity for Obama -- L.A. Times editorial
How Does Bin Laden's Death Change U.S. Equation in Af-Pak Region? -- PBS Newshour
War in Afghanistan Timeline -- Yahoo News