Sleuths Expose Men Who Pretend To Be SEALs -- Washington Times/AP
Thousands of phonies outed.
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Navy SEAL wannabes lie to get free beers, to get women into bed, to further their civilian careers or to get military benefits. And the number of phonies will probably only grow with the SEALs in the spotlight for the May 1 operation that killed Osama bin Laden.
In fact, there might be more fakes than the real thing — so despite being outnumbered, retired SEALs and others are doing what they can to stop impostors from stealing the valor that rightly belongs to others who have trained for some of the world’s toughest military missions.
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My Comment: I always find it amazing how insecure people are that they must create these false persona's to gain acceptance. I say .... be who you are, it's easier to keep track of that than the lies that you are living. Now .... to create the false impression that you are a U.S. Navy SEAL .... c'mon .... that is one hell of a big lie to live (publicly) everyday.