On His Last Trip Abroad, Gates To Argue That Tighter Budgets Won’t Cut US Role In Asia-- Washington Post/AP
WASHINGTON — On his final overseas trip as secretary of defense, Robert Gates will make the case to a gathering of Asian defense chiefs in Singapore that expected budget-slashing in Washington will not weaken America’s commitment to Asia.
Gates will be in Singapore, after a stopover Tuesday in Hawaii, to attend the annual Shangri-La Dialogue, Asia’s most prominent security conference. Its agenda includes discussion about the challenge of Afghanistan, the implications of China’s military buildup and the dangers of North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
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Gates to Display U.S. Military Staying Power on Final Trip to Asia -- Bloomberg
Cost of war in Afghanistan will be major factor in troop-reduction talks -- Washington Post
Afghanistan withdrawal: no significant pull out, says senior British general -- The Telegraph
India upset over Russia calling off naval exercise -- Times of India
Egyptian military defends virginity checks -- UPI
Libya: Will Bunk Busters Make the Difference? -- Ares/Aviation Week
South Korean soldiers use Kim Jong-Il pictures for target practice -- The Telegraph
ICAO to co-operate to stop North Korean GPS jamming -- Flight Global
Sea Transportation: The Shipbuilding Behemoths Of the East -- Strategy Page
Obama picks warrior-scholar Dempsey for top military job -- Yahoo News/Reuters
What will the Dempsey era bring? -- DoD Buzz
Obama Wraps Up Reshaping of National Security Team -- New York Times
Cyber Combat: Act of War -- Wall Street Journal
U.S., U.K. see cyberwar as facet of regular war -- CNET
Military has small UAS competition -- UPI
‘Insourcing’ effort still under fire despite Pentagon’s gradual retreat from plan -- Washington Post
First THAAD Missiles Delivered to the U.S. Army -- Defense Update
F-22 Getting New Brain. Open Avionics Architecture To Ease Upgrades -- Defense News
Warner asks Army for update on Arlington National Cemetery fixes -- Washington Post
Navy roommates shared their lives, now lie together at Arlington -- Baltimore Sun
Study: Secondary PTSD Overdiagnosed -- Military.com
One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller -- The Danger Room
What Must America Defend? -- Patrick J. Buchanan, American Conservative (a commentary)