Osama Bin Laden Dead: The Mysterious Khan Family Who Were 'Good Neighbours' -- The Telegraph
Exclusive: Nobody could fault them. The Khans were good neighbours, always polite, and more than a cut above the rest, reports Peter Oborne.
They spoke perfect Pashtu – the language of Pakistan's unruly tribal areas – in a cultivated, urban accent. They were careful to pay their bills on time and popular with local shopkeepers.
Women and children came and went, travelling mostly in a red Suzuki van. The family were well off, telling locals that they had made their money trading gold. Certainly, they were reclusive.
The imposing house in Abbottabad had high walls and was fortified by barbed wire. They never handed out their phone numbers. There were no telephones in the house, and no internet.
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Update: Bin Laden, the terror godfather next door: Pakistan alerted U.S. to 'suspicious' terror compound in 2009 -- The Daily Mail
My Comment: Bin Laden lived in the compound for six years .... and no one saw him!?!?!?! The compound is in a military/garrison community .... and no one asked questions?!?!?!?! Their house was .... according to the standards of the area .... imposing and luxurious .... but no satellite, phone, or internet for a family that was in the gold business !?!?!?!
All of this stretches credibility and believability.
Not surprising .... the most truthful residents in the area when questioned by reporters have been the children who played with the children that lived in the compound. All of them have said the same thin
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Update: Bin Laden, the terror godfather next door: Pakistan alerted U.S. to 'suspicious' terror compound in 2009 -- The Daily Mail
My Comment: Bin Laden lived in the compound for six years .... and no one saw him!?!?!?! The compound is in a military/garrison community .... and no one asked questions?!?!?!?! Their house was .... according to the standards of the area .... imposing and luxurious .... but no satellite, phone, or internet for a family that was in the gold business !?!?!?!
All of this stretches credibility and believability.
Not surprising .... the most truthful residents in the area when questioned by reporters have been the children who played with the children that lived in the compound. All of them have said the same thing .... they all saw who lived in that fortified place.
Why the duplicity and lies from the residents in the area .... if I was to hazard a guess .... they are afraid that Bin Laden's followers may come back to exact revenge, and on the other side we have the Pakistani military/intelligence agencies whose presence is always in the area, but whose motives are always unknown. In such a situation, I guess it is best to .... see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Update: Bin Laden, the terror godfather next door: Pakistan alerted U.S. to 'suspicious' terror compound in 2009 -- The Daily Mail
My Comment: Bin Laden lived in the compound for six years .... and no one saw him!?!?!?! The compound is in a military/garrison community .... and no one asked questions?!?!?!?! Their house was .... according to the standards of the area .... imposing and luxurious .... but no satellite, phone, or internet for a family that was in the gold business !?!?!?!
All of this stretches credibility and believability.
Not surprising .... the most truthful residents in the area when questioned by reporters have been the children who played with the children that lived in the compound. All of them have said the same thing .... they all saw who lived in that fortified place.
Why the duplicity and lies from the residents in the area .... if I was to hazard a guess .... they are afraid that Bin Laden's followers may come back to exact revenge, and on the other side we have the Pakistani military/intelligence agencies whose presence is always in the area, but whose motives are always unknown. In such a situation, I guess it is best to .... see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.