How can women join special forces when they can’t even handle frat-boy pranks?
It was just a matter of time before the successful Navy SEAL operation against Osama bin Laden on May 1 provoked a complaint that SEAL teams are all-male. Sure enough, Washington Post pundit (and founder of the feminist website Anna Holmes came through last week with a column denouncing the “paternalistic, discriminatory” exclusion of women from special-operations units and comparing that exclusion to racial segregation. If you’d like to get a full picture of feminist thought today, just combine Holmes’s column with the ongoing farce at Yale University, which is under federal investigation for allegedly denying female students equal educational opportunities. Not only has the rise of women to
It was just a matter of time before the successful Navy SEAL operation against Osama bin Laden on May 1 provoked a complaint that SEAL teams are all-male. Sure enough, Washington Post pundit (and founder of the feminist website Anna Holmes came through last week with a column denouncing the “paternalistic, discriminatory” exclusion of women from special-operations units and comparing that exclusion to racial segregation. If you’d like to get a full picture of feminist thought today, just combine Holmes’s column with the ongoing farce at Yale University, which is under federal investigation for allegedly denying female students equal educational opportunities. Not only has the rise of women to
It was just a matter of time before the successful Navy SEAL operation against Osama bin Laden on May 1 provoked a complaint that SEAL teams are all-male. Sure enough, Washington Post pundit (and founder of the feminist website Anna Holmes came through last week with a column denouncing the “paternalistic, discriminatory” exclusion of women from special-operations units and comparing that exclusion to racial segregation. If you’d like to get a full picture of feminist thought today, just combine Holmes’s column with the ongoing farce at Yale University, which is under federal investigation for allegedly denying female students equal educational opportunities. Not only has the rise of women to positions of power and control in American society not dented feminist irrationality, it seems to have exacerbated that irrationality.
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My Comment: This posting focuses on what is happening at Yale and a pledge/prank gone wrong at a certain fraternity .... but the first question is a valid one ....
.... How can women join special forces when they can’t even handle frat-boy pranks?
For the 'sisterhood' .... it appears that they cannot, and for women joining the SEALs .... the closest that they will get to it (for now) will be in some Hollywood version of GI Jane.
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My Comment: This posting focuses on what is happening at Yale and a pledge/prank gone wrong at a certain fraternity .... but the first question is a valid one ....
.... How can women join special forces when they can’t even handle frat-boy pranks?
For the 'sisterhood' .... it appears that they cannot, and for women joining the SEALs .... the closest that they will get to it (for now) will be in some Hollywood version of GI Jane.