The Real Housewife of Abbottabad: What bin Laden's Spouse Knows -- Time Magazine
The U.S. Navy Seal team that killed Osama bin Laden and removed a bonanza of documents and flash drives may have left behind a vital source of intelligence: bin Laden's wife Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah. The story of how she found her way back to bin Laden's hideout in Pakistan from Yemen could well have revealed crucial clues as to whether Pakistani authorities had been aware of the al-Qaeda leader's presence in their country. And if U.S. officials had been tracking her at the time, they might have found bin Laden sooner.
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Update: THREE Bin Laden wives in custody: Terror chief's harem interrogated by Pakistani intelligence -- The Daily Mail
My Comment: The fact that the Pakistani authorities have refused American requests to interview Bin Laden's family members tells me that they are worried that they may have information that will incriminate and/or embarrass Pakistan.