Low-Key Marine, Gen. John R. Allen, To Take Over Afghan War At High-Stakes Time -- Washington Post
Of all the members of President Obama’s new national security team, Lt. Gen. John R. Allen, tapped as the fourth commander in two years to run the war in Afghanistan, may have the toughest assignment.
In the coming days, Obama is expected to make a key strategic decision about how many troops the United States can afford to withdraw from Afghanistan without giving ground to the Taliban. To execute that high-stakes plan, he’ll turn to Allen, 57, a low-profile Marine with no combat experience in Afghanistan but with a reputation as a military turnaround specialist.
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More News On Afghanistan
Rocket fired at police ceremony with Afghan Vice President present -- Xinhuanet
Afghan vice president dodges mortar round -- USA Today
Afghan vice-president, escape rocket attack -- The Australian
Afghan governor's office struck by suicide bomber -- The Guardian
Suicide Bomber Strikes Afghanistan's Kapisa Province -- Voice of America
Suicide Bombing In Central Afghanistan Kills At Least 7 -- Radio Free Europe
Afghanistan: Bomber kills seven in Kapisa province -- BBC
Seven dead in Afghan suicide attack -- AFP
Attacks by Afghan troops on NATO soldiers rising, but motives complex -- CNN
Combined Security Forces Kill, Capture Insurgents -- U.S. Department of Defense
Helicopter crew in Afghanistan braves persistent enemy fire to rescue wounded pilot, recover remains -- Stars and Stripes
Focus of Afghan war is shifting eastward -- Washington Post
Acrimony at Afghan role for US -- Sydney Morning Herald
UN to ease Taliban sanctions to boost reconciliation -- Yahoo News/AFP
General Reports Fragile Progress in Afghanistan -- U.S. Department of Defense
US won't leave Afghanistan: Mullen -- Yahoo News/AFP
Senators press for sizable Afghanistan withdrawal -- SFGate/AP
Speedy Afghan exit draws more support -- Seattle Times
Gates Sees Support for War Exit Plan -- Wall Street Journal
Pentagon in Search of 'Secret' Farmers for Afghanistan -- The Atlantic
Afghanistan’s Secret Farmers -- Registan
One Voice or Many for the Taliban, but Pegged to a Single Name -- New York Times
Afghanistan named most dangerous country for women -- The Telegraph
Scenes from a war zone through the eyes of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan -- Vancouver Sun (Photo Gallery)
A decade of effort in Afghanistan could quickly disappear -- Terry Glavin, National Post
Afghan troop drawdown a mistake -- Rich Lowry, Salt Lake Tribune
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,510 -- Seattle Times/AP