House Set To Rebuke Obama On Libya Mission -- CNN
Washington (CNN) -- The House of Representatives is expected to officially register its disapproval of U.S. involvement in the NATO-led Libya campaign Friday, voting to restrict funding for America's role in the mission.
The Republican-sponsored bill, which would effectively prohibit any U.S. role in offensive operations, is seen as a sharp rebuke of President Barack Obama's policy in the war-torn North African country.
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More News On Congress Getting Ready To Rebuke President Obama On Libya
House Heads Toward Votes Challenging US Intervention In Libya -- Wall Street Journal
US House weighs cutting funds for Libya mission -- AP
House weighs cutting off funds for Libya mission -- CBS News
House Takes Up a Rebuke to Obama’s Libya Policy -- New York Times
US Lawmakers Consider Cutting Funds for Libya Operations -- Voice of America
House may cut some Libya funding -- UPI
My Comment: I will be shocked .... shocked I tell you .... if they completely cut Libya's funding today.