As Austerity Anger Swells, Greece's Government Teeters Toward Collapse -- Time
Even after the scuffles between police and anarchists erupted into clouds of tear gas on June 15, Giorgos Liolios did not leave Syntagma Square. For more than a year, Liolis, a 37-year old Athenian struggling to keep his small bakery afloat, was part of the silent majority that gave Prime Minister George Papandreou the benefit of the doubt. But after a year of austerity left him nearly broke, his brother unemployed and the debt-ridden country no better off, he drove to Athens from his suburb to stand alongside thousands of angry Greeks who, for weeks, had transformed Syntagma into a mini-Tahrir Square, complete with drum circles, tents and Cretan rebel songs.
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More News On The Crisis In Greece
Greek PM in crisis party talks amid debt woes -- Yahoo News/AFP
Political turmoil in Greece amid austerity uproar -- Yahoo News/AP
Greek PM vows to stay, lead exit from debit crisis -- Yahoo News/AP
Greek PM reshuffle plan in doubt as deputies quit -- Reuters
Greek PM Reshuffle Plan in Doubt as Deputies Quit -- CNBC
Greece's PM George Papandreou 'to fight on' -- BBC
Fresh Greek Shock Waves -- Wall Street Journal
Greek PM says to stay the course of reforms -- Reuters
Greek Government in Turmoil Over Austerity Measures -- New York Times
Greek Rioting Leads To Political Turmoil -- NPR
Greeks of all ages want politicians to pay -- Reuters
Greek default fears hit global markets as Papandreou pushes austerity meas
Greek PM Reshuffle Plan in Doubt as Deputies Quit -- CNBC
Greece's PM George Papandreou 'to fight on' -- BBC
Fresh Greek Shock Waves -- Wall Street Journal
Greek PM says to stay the course of reforms -- Reuters
Greek Government in Turmoil Over Austerity Measures -- New York Times
Greek Rioting Leads To Political Turmoil -- NPR
Greeks of all ages want politicians to pay -- Reuters
Greek default fears hit global markets as Papandreou pushes austerity measures -- Washington Post
Greek default could mean economic, market turmoil -- Seattle PI/AP
Europe’s ‘Lehman Moment’ Looms as Greek Debt Unravels Markets: Euro Credit -- Bloomberg
Greece's PM George Papandreou 'to fight on' -- BBC
Fresh Greek Shock Waves -- Wall Street Journal
Greek PM says to stay the course of reforms -- Reuters
Greek Government in Turmoil Over Austerity Measures -- New York Times
Greek Rioting Leads To Political Turmoil -- NPR
Greeks of all ages want politicians to pay -- Reuters
Greek default fears hit global markets as Papandreou pushes austerity measures -- Washington Post
Greek default could mean economic, market turmoil -- Seattle PI/AP
Europe’s ‘Lehman Moment’ Looms as Greek Debt Unravels Markets: Euro Credit -- Bloomberg