Did A Pork-Coated Bullet Kill Bin Laden? Yes, Says Firm Who Claim Its Pig Fat Gun Oil Is Bought By U.S. Military Personnel -- The Daily Mail
Was Osama bin Laden shot with a bullet soaked in pork fat, denying him a place in paradise?
Yes, if one rather shady website, that peddles gun oil containing liquefied pig fat, is to be believed.
The makers of Silver Bullet Gun Oil claim it contains 13 per cent USDA liquefied pig fat thus making the product 'a highly effective counter-Islamic terrorist force multiplier.'
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My Comment: I can see some in the military getting a kick out of this .... and on the other side .... I can see radical Islamists disgusted with the idea that they may be killed or wounded with such a bullet. As to what is my take .... I call this psychological warfare.