Army Ditching Fatigues for Formal Uniform at Pentagon -- FOX News
The Pentagon is going corporate.
Soldiers who once wore combat fatigues — or, as some call them, “pajamas” — to work at the Pentagon will have to dust off their ironing boards, as the Army announced Tuesday a new Pentagon dress code requiring the formal service uniform.
The wardrobe change came after Sgt. Maj. Raymond F. Chandler III took suggestions from soldiers he talked with in the field.
After the terrorist attacks of Sept.11, 2001, then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had soldiers at the Pentagon wear combat fatigues, in part to remind them the country is at war.
Now nearly 10 years later, the Army is taking a more business-like approach to its Pentagon presence.
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My Comment: What is my take .... I favor former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's decision to have soldiers at the Pentagon wear combat fatigues, in part to remind them (and the country) that we are at war. But it is clear that a different mindset in the Pentagon has taken hold .... hence the return to formal attire.