Report: Poverty Does Not Breed Extremism -- Fareed Zakaria, CNN
Since 9/11, a decade ago, Washington has given the government of Pakistan more than $20 billion in aid. Two- thirds of that has gone to the military to fight the war on terror. The other third, about $6 billion, has gone for development of Pakistan's civilian economy and society.
The theory behind many of those billions of dollars is that by bringing Pakistan's poorest out of poverty and despair, fewer young men will be seduced by radical Islam.
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My Comment: I am usually in disagreement with Fareed Zakaria .... but in this post he hits it on the head of the nail when he talks about U.S. aid to Pakistan. On top of that, some are also saying that US aid could (in fact) be destabilizing Afghanistan in the long term .... that article is here.