We'll be joined this morning by Dave Workman, Senior Editor of Gun Week, author and columnist, and he'll tell us about the Second Amendment Foundation's groundbreaking lawsuits and their upcoming "Gun Rights Policy Conference. " Also in the show hear about an armed defense, meet a biased mainstream reporter (is there any other kind?), watch an anti-gun pol duck and cover, and get the latest on "Project Gunwalker" with Mike Vanderboegh.
Plus there's a lot more. Tune in to The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance, this morning at 7:00 Pacific/10:00 Eastern and all points around and in between on NBC 1260/96.1, Scottsdale, or just go to NBC1260.com and click "Listen Live."
Plus there's a lot more. Tune in to The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance, this morning at 7:00 Pacific/10:00 Eastern and all points around and in between on NBC 1260/96.1, Scottsdale, or just go to NBC1260.com and click "Listen Live."