For almost all major politicians, life is never private. Silvio Berlusconi is a fine example. Even if one wanted to, it would be hard not to know the latest about his family life, indeed his various dalliances. Politicians across the western world usually just have to deal with life in a fishbowl. Except for one: Berlusconi's old friend and vacation mate, Vladimir Putin, who has managed to impose an information blockade around his private life that most statesmen can only dream about.
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My Comment: It is a shame that most of my readership does not read Russian. The fun and joy that I get from reading what Russian bloggers are blogging about in Russia makes me howl with laughter .... and sometimes followed with a shaking of my head on the corruption, follies, and sheer incompetence that signifies what is wrong in Russia.
But .... thinking positively .... being able to read Russian and understanding the culture has put me in a unique position on commenting what happens in my former homeland .... with most of my focus on Russian international politics and the military. While some of my readers have been asking me to comment more often on Russia internal politics/culture and gossip .... I tend to stay away from the personal lives of people like Putin not because I do not want to .... but more because it is easier for me to get information on the latest Russian classified weapon system (with pictures provided) than getting a picture of Putin's two daughters unedited.