A Strange Arrest In A New Alleged Fort Hood Attack Plot -- Time
The immediate reaction from a lot of people when news first broke that a soldier shot up the Soldier Readiness Center at Fort Hood in November 2009 was surprise that this kind of thing had not happened earlier. Many folks (including me) first assumed that this was the act of a soldier suffering greatly from combat stress after repeated combat tours who felt like he was not getting the help he deserved after his return. I've met a lot of soldiers who were so stressed under those conditions that they seemed capable of that kind of thing.
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More News On A New Alleged Fort Hood Plot
Soldier Investigated Over Fort Hood Plot -- MSNBC
Reports: AWOL soldier with arrested near Fort Hood -- Houston Chronicle
Fort Hood Plot: AWOL U.S. Serviceman Arrested -- ABC News
Missing Soldier Arrested In Texas Had Firearms, Explosives -- NPR
Official: Bomb materials found in AWOL soldier's room near Fort Hood -- CNN
AWOL soldier with 'bomb-making materials' arrested near Ft. Hood -- L.A. Times
AWOL Soldier Arrested in Alleged Plot to Attack Fort Hood -- FOX News
AWOL GI arrested with bomb items near Ft. Hood -- CBS
US serviceman held amid 'plot' to attack Ford Hood -- BBC
Update: 3 soldiers arrested near Fort Hood in connection with possible attack -- American thinker