U.S. Review Finds Iraq More Dangerous Than A Year Ago -- Washington Post
BAGHDAD — Increased attacks on U.S. troops, a continuing wave of assassinations targeting government officials and a growing number of indirect rocket strikes on Baghdad’s Green Zone are making the security situation in Iraq more dangerous than a year ago, according to a new government watchdog report issued Saturday.
“Iraq remains an extraordinarily dangerous place to work,” U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart W. Bowen Jr. wrote in his quarterly report to Congress and the Obama administration. “It is less safe, in my judgment, than 12 months ago.”
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More News On The Deteriorating Situation In Iraq
US review finds Iraq deadlier now than a year ago -- Yahoo News/AP
U.S. official: Iraq 'less safe' than it was last year -- CNN
U.S. review finds Iraq is deadlier now than it was a year ago -- Stars and Stripes
US watchdog warns Iraq less safe than a year ago, security slipping -- Herald Sun/AFP
Iraq less safe than a year ago -- Big Pond News
My Comment: These findings are confirming the concerns and worries that many have had on the early withdrawal of US troops, and the inability of Iraq's security forces to quell the violence. My prediction .... the US State Departments efforts to train Iraq's security forces will stumble, and the security situation in Iraq (by next year) will have worsened.