Panetta: Tripping On Verbal Landmines -- Boston Globe Editorial
“This damn country has a hell of a lot of resources,’’ Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta exulted while addressing US troops at Camp Victory in Baghdad on Monday. But Panetta’s irreverent enthusiasm masked an unfortunate fact: His first trip abroad as head of the Pentagon has not gone smoothly. And while it’s easy to chuckle at his missteps, they’re coming at a pivotal time for the United States’ international presence and reputation.
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Muslims call for imams in the German military -- The Local
BND intelligence agency loses HQ blueprints -- The Local US Lockheed Martin interested in tender for fighter planes to the Czech Republic-- Prague Monitor
Three Middle East nations considering F-16 orders -- Star Telegram
First Afghan female military pilots arrive in U.S. for training -- Reuters
British politicians demand extra powers to hold spies to account -- The Telegraph
Super destroyer HMS Diamond enters service -- British Forces News
Russia's Medvedev urges army to import weapons -- Reuters
Lavrov: Missile defense remains the biggest irritant in US-Russian relations -- Washington Post
Mullen visits China to mend military ties, but South China Sea disputes steal spotlight -- Christian Science Monitor
Fire Scout Fail: some of the background -- CDR Salamander
CIA aiding Somali government -- UPI
New Sub Passes Sea Trials; Old Sub Retired -- Aviation Week
Rep. Forbes: Navy may nix one aircraft carrier and delay another -- The Hill
Over a Fifth of Navy Ships Aren’t Ready to Fight -- Danger Room
The Navy’s Readiness Woes -- Defense Tech
U.S. Senators Question LCS Certifications -- Defense News
Dogfighting on Twitter Over the F-35 -- Wall Street Journal
US Navy considers moving aircraft training from Iwo Jima -- The Telegraph
ATF loses track of 1,400 guns in criticized probe -- CNN
Feds Eye CIA Officer in Abu Ghraib Prisoner Death -- FOX News/AP
GAO continues criticism of Pentagon center for PTSD, TBI -- Stars and Stripes
File Under WTF: Did the CIA Fake a Vaccination Campaign? -- Maryn McKenna, Wired
Longer Wars, Fewer Medals of Honor -- Rebekah Sanderlin, New York Times
Why to Sell F-16s to Taiwan -- Matt Anderson, The Diplomat
U.S. Status as World's Superpower Challenged by Rise of China -- Pew Research