The (Very) Secret History Of Area 51 -- The Independent
Just how covert is the infamous US air base? New files show that even Presidents don't always 'need to know' its activities.
No one on the ground or in Pakistan's air defence spotted Area 51's latest toy as it kept watch on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on the night of the US raid that killed the Taliban leader.
Rather than one of the UFOs that the wilder fringes of the internet believe the military has stashed away at America's top-secret military site in Nevada, this "toy" was actually the latest Star Wars-type drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), developed at the base whose existence Uncle Sam only barely admits.
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My Comment: The most interesting paragraph from this report is the following ....
.... Yet for Jacobsen one of the strangest things about Area 51 is that even in the age of WikiLeaks and Google Earth, she has "not seen anything ever leak out of Area 51", almost as if "the base is in a permanent state of lockdown".
That must be some heavy security and screening process at Area 51 .... or a realization among those who work there that what they do is (really) vital to national security, and that they must keep their mouths permanently shut.