Taking Lead, Iraqis Hope U.S. Special Operations Commandos Stay -- New York Times
BAGHDAD — In darkness and dressed in black, the American and Iraqi Special Operations commandos navigated the dense urban neighborhood here in the capital and approached a house they believed to be a hide-out for two brothers suspected of carrying out assassinations and car-bomb attacks. As the Iraqis bashed in the door, the sound of glass shattering and screams pierced the nighttime stillness.
The Americans, having spent years taking the lead on such missions, waited outside until the house was secure.
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My Comment: The Iraqi Generals and officers know the value that U.S. soldiers/special commandos bring to their operations and organizations. The question is .... do the Iraqi politicians share these opinions, and will they act on them if they do. My prediction .... by the end of this summer an Iraqi request will be made that some U.S. soldiers should remain.