UK Reacts To Closure Of News Of The World -- Nathalie Rothschild, Christian Science Monitor
Rupert Murdoch's News of the World, the UK's biggest selling paper, was closed today in a gambit to tamp down spiraling public anger at the tabloid's practices.
Rupert Murdoch's decision to shutter the British Sunday tabloid News of the World – the largest circulation paper in the UK – has the British press and social media in a frenzy. The public has reacted with a mix of shock, glee and delight.
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Yemeni president makes first TV appearance since attack.
Syria postpones parliamentarian elections: report. Tanks withdrawing from restless Syrian city.
Iranian weapons in Iraq increasing, more lethal.
Hamas-Fatah reconciliation is put on hold.
Israel 'angry' at UN report on Lebanon deaths.
Israel fears Iran and North Korea strengthening ties.
Thailand’s first female PM prepares to take office.
China's crackdown extends to Nepal.
Taliban denies peace talks with U.S.
Red shirts warn new Thai government to seek justice.
China denies Jiang Zemin death rumours.
Violence in Pakistan's Karachi kills nearly 50.
India: '38 dead' after train hits bus at level crossing.
Berlusconi opposes Libya campaign. Libya: NATO intensifying bombing to aid rebel push. NATO's Libya campaign causes civilian deaths, Russia warns.
Somali pirates fire rocket at oil tanker.
Worst drought in 60 years: 12 million Africans face 'fight for survival'.
South Sudan secedes amid tensions. South Sudan has big oil reserves, big problems.
Sudan quits peace talks on Southern Kordofan, President Bashir says.
Tribal, rebel violence kills 2,300 in South Sudan-U.N.
Somali militants change tactics as drought worsens. Somalis seek refuge from drought in Ethiopia.
Egypt's gas pipeline a target for anger at Israel, Mubarak.
US blasts 'heavy-handed' Belarus crackdown. Hundreds arrested in Belarus at anti-Lukashenko rallies.
ECB raises eurozone interest rates to 1.5%.
Greece stops Gaza-bound boat, immobilizes flotilla.
Portugal reels after Moody's junk rating.
Man arrested in Cambridge over King of Spain assassination attempt.
UK torture panel to study rendition.
Police: Dutch stadium roof collapses, people trapped.
Royal British Legion suspends NoW ties over 'hacking'. Grieving relatives of British soldiers may also have been hacked.
Venezuela's Chavez says surgery forces slower pace.
Brazil's new plan to beat poverty.
Obama proposes cuts to Social Security.
ATF chief: Higher-ups at Justice blocked response to Congress. More U.S. agencies implicated in Mexico gun-trafficking probe.
Mexico trucking deal offers tariff relief for U.S. products.
In Mexico, forests fall prey to crime mafias.
Last-minute appeals in Texas as Mexican's hour of execution nears.
U.S. tests new approach to terrorism cases on Somali suspect.
Terrorists planning to blow up planes with bombs INSIDE their bodies, authorities warn.
Pakistan bans bin Laden relatives from leaving.
Mauritanian military attacks al Qaeda group. Mauritanian army kills 20 in Al-Qaeda attack: military.
Oil closes near $100 a barrel.
Buffett sees risks in failing to hike debt ceiling.
As plastic reigns, the U.S. Treasury slows its printing presses.
Google+: Google reverses its social-network curse.
Lagarde pedges to move forward with IMF reforms.