Petraeus Retires, With A Warning -- New York Times
WASHINGTON—An era in the American military came to an end on Wednesday when David H. Petraeus, the most influential general of his generation, retired with a 17-gun salute and a warning that coming budget cuts should not lead to the “hollow Army” that occurred after the Vietnam War.
Just 11 days before the 10th anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s attacks on New York and Washington, General Petraeus also implicitly cautioned that the United States should not abandon the troop-intensive and expensive counterinsurgency doctrine that was his hallmark when he commanded the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The general spoke as the Obama White House is shifting from a broad counterinsurgency strategy of trying to build roads, schools and good government in Afghanistan to a narrower and more secretive counterterrorism mission of hunting down terrorists.
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More News On General Petraeus Retiring from the U.S. Army
Petraeus Garners Praise at Retirement Ceremony -- US Department of Defense
Petraeus retires, warns against budget cuts. The general is set to take over as CIA director Sept. 6 -- MSNBC/Reuters
General Petraeus hangs up uniform, warns on budget -- Reuters
As he hangs up uniform, Petraeus warns on defense cuts -- AFP
Petraeus: Budget Cuts Must Not Impair Military -- ABC News
Petraeus Retires, Warns Against Military Cuts -- ABC News
Petraeus Bids Farewell to US Military -- Voice of America
David Petraeus officially retires from Army -- Politico
Petraeus bids farewell to military, but not to Washington -- Stars and Stripes
Gen. Petreaus Retires From Army, to Head CIA -- Epoch Times
After Leading Two Wars, Petraeus Retires From Army -- NPR
Petraeus ends 'historic' military career to lead CIA -- CNN
Petraeus Says US Must Maintain Military Versatility -- Voice of America
Petraeus retires from US military ahead of CIA post -- BBC
Obama speaks to Petraeus -- USA Today
Gen. Petraeus Honored in Retirement Ceremony -- PICTURES -- National Journal
The impact of Gen. David Petraeus, in four takes -- Jason Ukman, Washington Post
In the End, Petraeus Really Was That Good -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room