Paychecks Uncertain, Panetta Tells Military 'Come To Work' Monday -- Stars and Stripes
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta broke his silence on the debt-ceiling debate that threatens the government’s ability to write paychecks to troops next week by reminding the entire Defense Department to show up for duty next week.
“Department of Defense personnel should plan to come to work next week, as scheduled, at their normal place and time,” Panetta said, in a message to the troops released late Friday.
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My Comment: Unbelievable .... if there is one thing that I know about American soldiers, it is that they did not join up for the pay. To insinuate that they will not show up for work because they will not get their paycheck .... hmmmm ..... Mr. Defense Secretary .... it appears that you do not really know who your soldiers are.
What you should have done is say that you will move 'heaven and earth' to make sure that the soldiers will be paid .... but you did not. Anyhow, this is all moot now. The debt deal has been made, and things will go back to normal until the next crisis.