18 Killed In Suicide Bombing Of U.N. Compound In Nigeria -- L.A. Times
The bomber drove his car into the U.N. headquarters in the Nigerian capital on Friday. An Islamist extremist group called Boko Haram claims responsibility for the attack on a compound that houses people working for U.N. humanitarian and development agencies.
Reporting from Johannesburg, South Africa — At least 18 people died when a suicide bomber rammed his car through the two front gates of the U.N. headquarters in the Nigerian capital of Abuja on Friday, raising fears that a terrorist group in the country is widening its attacks.
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16 killed in bombing on UN building in Nigeria -- Yahoo News/AP
Suicide Bomber Attacks U.N. Building in Nigeria -- New York Times
Bomb Hits U.N. Building in Nigeria's Capital -- Wall Street Journal
lslamist group claims bomb attack in Nigeria that kills at least 18 -- USA Today
Massive car bomb hits U.N. building in Nigeria, killing at least 16 -- Toronto Star
Massive bomb blast hits UN building in Nigeria -- The Telegraph
Deadly bomb blast rocks UN building in Nigeria -- Deutsche Welle
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More News On Today's Bombing At The UN Compound In Nigeria
16 killed in bombing on UN building in Nigeria -- Yahoo News/AP
Suicide Bomber Attacks U.N. Building in Nigeria -- New York Times
Bomb Hits U.N. Building in Nigeria's Capital -- Wall Street Journal
lslamist group claims bomb attack in Nigeria that kills at least 18 -- USA Today
Massive car bomb hits U.N. building in Nigeria, killing at least 16 -- Toronto Star
Massive bomb blast hits UN building in Nigeria -- The Telegraph
Deadly bomb blast rocks UN building in Nigeria -- Deutsche Welle
Bomb Hits U.N. Building in Nigeria's Capital -- Wall Street Journal
lslamist group claims bomb attack in Nigeria that kills at least 18 -- USA Today
Massive car bomb hits U.N. building in Nigeria, killing at least 16 -- Toronto Star
Massive bomb blast hits UN building in Nigeria -- The Telegraph
Deadly bomb blast rocks UN building in Nigeria -- Deutsche Welle
UN Chief Says Nigeria Bomb Toll Likely 'Considerable' -- Radio Free Europe
Abuja bombing: Ba Ki-moon dispatches deputy, security chief to Nigeria -- Vanguard
Analysis: How the Nigeria attack shows Boko Haram is growing in strength -- The Telegraph
lslamist group claims bomb attack in Nigeria that kills at least 18 -- USA Today
Massive car bomb hits U.N. building in Nigeria, killing at least 16 -- Toronto Star
Massive bomb blast hits UN building in Nigeria -- The Telegraph
Deadly bomb blast rocks UN building in Nigeria -- Deutsche Welle
UN Chief Says Nigeria Bomb Toll Likely 'Considerable' -- Radio Free Europe
Abuja bombing: Ba Ki-moon dispatches deputy, security chief to Nigeria -- Vanguard
Analysis: How the Nigeria attack shows Boko Haram is growing in strength -- The Telegraph