What Can Be Done About The Somalia Famine? Hint: It’s Not A Problem Than Can Be Droned Away. -- Mark Leon Goldberg, UN Dispatch
Everyday brings grim new figures from the famine in Somalia. The latest is this: according to nutrition and mortality surveys by USAID 29,000 children under the age of 5 have died in the last 90 days in southern Somalia. And it’s going from bad to worse. On Wednesday, the UN announced that the famine has spread beyond the regions in Southern Somalia to three other areas—including parts of Mogadishu.
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My Comment: The sad fact about Somalia is that there are no good options to combat this famine. Military intervention .... think Black Hawk Down. Foreign aid contributions .... aid workers being kidnapped. Help from other African countries .... they want a two week delay in their famine conference.
Nope .... sadly .... not much can be done about Somalia's famine. None at all with the exception of helping those who are able to escape the country itself.