Experts: United Libyan Gov't Won't Happen Overnight -- USA Today
Libya is entering a dangerous period of creating a new democracy, but the six-month duration of the rebels' campaign against former strongman Moammar Gadhafi gave their leaders time to develop a working government and may improve the prospects of a smooth transition, some analysts say.
"Democracy is always messy, and creating democracies is even messier," says Robin Wright, author of Rock the Casbah; Rage and Rebellion across the Islamic World. "There's always the danger that Gadhafi loyalists fade into the sunset and come back to launch a another insurgency like Iraq."
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My Comment: While I am glad that Gaddafi will soon be gone, I am also skeptical that Libya will develop into a functional democratic state. It does not have a history nor culture that embraces democratic institutions, human rights, and tolerance of those who have opposite opinions. If anything .... this is what will probably be Libya's future.
Update #1: What would a post-Gaddafi Libya look like? -- John Hamilton, The Telegraph
Update #2: Who can unite Libya after Gaddafi? -- Michael Georgy, Swiss Info