America’s Hidden Industrial ‘Surge’ Weakness -- DoD Buzz
Wednesday’s brief by two of DC’s top defense analysts included another interesting element besides their endorsement of an “industrial strategy” to protect the defense sector: If the U.S. got into a desperate national pinch and needed to “surge” its stocks of weapons or equipment, it probably could not do it, they said.
Barry Watts and Todd Harrison, of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, explained that there are many reasons why the U.S. could not switch on a major industrial effort like the one that built the “arsenal of democracy” in World War II:
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My Comment: I am sure that America's industrial base will be able to gear up and commit to a massive "surge" in stocks of weapons and equipment if the need should arise .... the problem is that it will take time, and in today's wars .... time may be a luxury that we do not have.
On a side note, as bad as the situation may be for America's industrial base dedicated to defense procurement, we are still better off than anyone else .... for now.