Can Syria Avoid Civil War? -- Nicholas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor
Syria's activists say they want peaceful opposition to the Assad regime. But one who just escaped to Lebanon says that many worry the country will fall into civil war.
After withstanding five months of a brutal crackdown by Syrian security forces, Syria’s opposition activists are pinning their hopes on an accelerated international intervention to help topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president.
The activists say they want to maintain a peaceful opposition to the Assad regime, but without external support to help protect them, they fear the confrontation will worsen in the months ahead and the country could slip into civil war.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Isolating Assad -- New York Times editorial
How Iran Keeps Assad in Power in Syria -- Geneive Abdo, Foreign Affairs
Fears over Islamists within Libyan rebel ranks -- Dr Omar Ashour, BBC
What to Do With Qaddafi -- David Kaye, New York Times
A coordinated effort to begin healing Libya -- The National editorial
How the U.S. and the world can help Iraq -- Ayad Allawi, Washington Post
Why al-Qaeda Is Unlikely to Execute Another 9/11 -- Scott Stewart, Real Clear World/Stratfor
Al Qaeda: Ten Years after the Mouse Roared -- Joseph S. Nye, Project Syndicate
Reflections on the 9/11 Decade -- Adam Garfinkle, American Interest
9/11: The wake-up call no one wanted -- Micah Halpern, The Australian
A coordinated effort to begin healing Libya -- The National editorial
How the U.S. and the world can help Iraq -- Ayad Allawi, Washington Post
Why al-Qaeda Is Unlikely to Execute Another 9/11 -- Scott Stewart, Real Clear World/Stratfor
Al Qaeda: Ten Years after the Mouse Roared -- Joseph S. Nye, Project Syndicate
Reflections on the 9/11 Decade -- Adam Garfinkle, American Interest
9/11: The wake-up call no one wanted -- Micah Halpern, The Australian
An Accountable U.N. At Long Last? -- IBD Editorial
Why Asia Can't Live Like America -- Chandran Nair, Real Clear World
Crisis Convergence: Why the global economic crash, the rise of the Tea Party, the Arab Spring, and China’s coming fall are all connected. -- George Magnus, Foreign Policy
ATF: Plenty of Blame to Go Around -- New York Times editorial
How the U.S. and the world can help Iraq -- Ayad Allawi, Washington Post
Why al-Qaeda Is Unlikely to Execute Another 9/11 -- Scott Stewart, Real Clear World/Stratfor
Al Qaeda: Ten Years after the Mouse Roared -- Joseph S. Nye, Project Syndicate
Reflections on the 9/11 Decade -- Adam Garfinkle, American Interest
9/11: The wake-up call no one wanted -- Micah Halpern, The Australian
An Accountable U.N. At Long Last? -- IBD Editorial
Why Asia Can't Live Like America -- Chandran Nair, Real Clear World
Crisis Convergence: Why the global economic crash, the rise of the Tea Party, the Arab Spring, and China’s coming fall are all connected. -- George Magnus, Foreign Policy
ATF: Plenty of Blame to Go Around -- New York Times editorial