Iraq, Minus U.S. Troops -- L.A. Times editorial
Under an agreement between Iraq and the George W. Bush administration, virtually all U.S. troops are to be out of that country by the end of the year. But the Obama administration, and apparently the Iraqi government, favor maintaining a residual force. To which our response is: "Yes … but."
After this country's long slog through a bloody and unnecessary war, one that has cost 4,474 American lives, the idea of prolonging any U.S. presence is extremely unappealing. But if the military deems this absolutely essential, then so long as the force were kept small — 5,000 or so — it might be acceptable as a way of shoring up Iraqi security forces and continuing training operations.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Pakistan–More Enemy Than Friend? -- Max Boot, Commentary
Can Israel Survive? -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
Palestinian state is wishful thinking -- Jordan Sekulow and Brett Joshpe, The Washington Times
Palestinians' U.N. gamble could backfire -- Saree Makdisi, L.A. Times
Mr. Ahmadinejad deserves no credit for release of U.S. hikers -- Washington Post editorial
Afghanistan: The Difference Two Years Make -- Stephen Biddle, American Interest
U.S. 'no' on Taiwan arms seen as sign of China clout -- Mainichi Daily News/AP
Obama’s U.N. omission: the war next door -- Andres Oppenheimer, Miami Herald
The great euro swindle -- Peter Oborne and Frances Weaver, Spectator
Italy's Credit Downgrade: Belligerent Berlusconi Toys With Europe -- David Böcking, Spiegel Online
Bank Shot: The eurozone's banking crisis is on the verge of becoming a global economic catastrophe. But do the economic heavyweights meeting in Washington this week know what to do about it? -- Mohamed A. El-Erian, Foreign Policy