What's the Deal With Aircraft Design Flaws in the Joint Strike Fighter? -- Pogo
Earlier this month, Bloomberg News reported on a "design flaw" in the wing of the Air Force and Marine Corps variants of the F-35 discovered during testing. The F-35 program office told Bloomberg and at least one other news outlet that the problem is not serious. However, a March briefing slide by the F-35 program office never intended for public release, but obtained by POGO, indicates the solution to the problem was considered "likely to be expensive and time consuming."
Given what the F-35 program office said privately in their briefing slide, did they downplay the problem publicly?
The F-35 program office and prime contractor Lockheed Martin have determined that it will take 45 days to modify each of the 60 joint strike fighters (JSFs) affected. The modifications will begin next year. Read that again: Each plane affected will be out of commission for 45 days starting next year.
Read more ....My Comment: This design flaw is serious, but is this also an indication of more (future) bad news for the F-35 program?