As proves to be the case so often, the comments are more revealing than the story. [Read]:
It is high time these devices were classified as firearms and only allowed to people who had a good and proper reason for them, with heavy penalties for improper possession. Otherwise they will soon get into the hands of people who will abuse them and use them as dangerous weapons.
- Geoff,
It is high time these devices were classified as firearms and only allowed to people who had a good and proper reason for them, with heavy penalties for improper possession. Otherwise they will soon get into the hands of people who will abuse them and use them as dangerous weapons.You go Geoff. That's the problem with you lot. You're just too bloody free to make your own choices.
- Geoff, Chichester; UK, 08/9/2011 17:37
Trust us with a battery-powered light? Are you daft?
Please sir, I want some more.
Chains. I can still wiggle me pinkies.