So Much For Mr Blair's 'Ethical' Foreign Policy -- Daily Mail
In sickeningly jaunty language, a senior figure in MI6 oils up to the head of Colonel Gaddafi’s brutal intelligence services after handing over a rebel leader for what must have been certain torture.
‘I congratulate you on the safe arrival of Abu Abd Allah Sadiq,’ writes ‘Mark in London’ to Musa Kusa. ‘This is the least we could do for you and for Libya to demonstrate the remarkable relationship we have built over recent years.’
With those chilling words, written in 2004, the official blows apart, once and for all, Tony Blair’s last threadbare claim that he ran an ‘ethical foreign policy’.
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My Comment: Michael Burleigh does an excellent job of shredding former PM Blair's contentions of running a "moral" foreign policy. But what galls me was the depth of former PM Blair's relations with the Gaddafi family.