All Canadian Submarines Now Out Of Commission -- Vancouver Sun/Post Media News
The navy’s last operational submarine is now sidelined until 2016, leaving the service without an underwater capability and potentially throwing into question the future of the submarine fleet.
The submarine program, which has already cost around $900 million, has been plagued with various maintenance issues that have prevented the boats from being available for operations on a regular basis.
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Update: The sad saga of the boats that wouldn’t float -- Globe and Mail
My Comment: When the decision was made to purchase these subs a dozen years ago .... critics were told that this was the cheapest (a
The submarine program, which has already cost around $900 million, has been plagued with various maintenance issues that have prevented the boats from being available for operations on a regular basis.
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Update: The sad saga of the boats that wouldn’t float -- Globe and Mail
My Comment: When the decision was made to purchase these subs a dozen years ago .... critics were told that this was the cheapest (and best) move for the Navy. I should know .... I was around Ottawa at the time, and I was one of those critics who wished for an alternative to the one that was made.
Now .... after all of these years .... with all of these headaches and disappointments .... a waste of $900 million and counting .... no one has been held accountable .... in fact .... as far as I know not one person has been reprimanded or even fired for such a wrong-headed decision.
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Update: The sad saga of the boats that wouldn’t float -- Globe and Mail
My Comment: When the decision was made to purchase these subs a dozen years ago .... critics were told that this was the cheapest (and best) move for the Navy. I should know .... I was around Ottawa at the time, and I was one of those critics who wished for an alternative to the one that was made.
Now .... after all of these years .... with all of these headaches and disappointments .... a waste of $900 million and counting .... no one has been held accountable .... in fact .... as far as I know not one person has been reprimanded or even fired for such a wrong-headed decision.