Broadband Firm Returns Fire In GPS Battle -- DoD Buzz
Virginia broadband startup LightSquared fired right back after the House Armed Services Committee hearing at which government officials said its network would jam military GPS. The narrative that LightSquared is a deep-pocketed political octopus that wants to imperil military readiness just isn’t true, CEO Sanjiv Ahuja said in a statement.
Here were his exact words:
Regulators from both parties understand LightSquared’s approach will create more competition in the marketplace, put downward pressure on the prices paid by consumers, create good paying jobs in the tech sector, and give Americans access to t most modern cellular technology.
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Previous Post: Is The White House Influencing Testimonies From Pentagon Officials To Favor Political Donors?
More News On How America's Military GPS Infrastructure May Be Jeopardized By A Start-Up With Political Connections In Washington
Billionaire Backer Disputes Charges That Company Sought White House Help to Influence Testimony -- FOX News
LightSquared Founder Denies Ties With WH, Political Favors -- FOX News
LightSquared investor: Suggestion of influence peddling 'disgusting' -- The Hill
Fox turns LightSquared political -- The Register
LightSquared Signal Interferes with Gov’t GPS Receivers -- GPS Tracking
Shelton: GPS and LightSquared network cannot currently coexist -- Fierce Government IT
Department Seeks to Protect GPS Operations -- Defpro
Congress addressing GPS vs. Lightsquared battle -- Western Farm Press
House Republicans Want Answers on the White House Allegedly Trying to Influence a General's Testimony -- FOX News
My Comment: More questions are being raised .... and despite the denials from LightSquared that they tried to influence a General's testimony .... the question that needs to still be answered concretely by LightSquared is .... will America's military GPS infrastructure be impacted by this new technology as the Pentagon is claiming that it will.