The 54 Trillion Dollar Question: Is Obama On His Way Out? -- Daily Mail
As America approaches the third anniversary of Barack Obama’s historic election victory, the country is mired in economic gloom.
Expectations were absurdly high in the autumn of 2008, stoked up not least by the victor’s own campaign team. Yet Americans now seem bemused by how, exactly, it could all have gone so wrong.
In the run-up to his election victory, Mr Obama won praise for keeping quiet about the economy. It was the time of the collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers, and the financial situation was shifting quickly: since it was hard for anyone to predict what would come next, silence seemed wise.
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My Comment: This is not going to be an easy election for him and his supporters. His advantages are (1) he is the present occupant of the White House, and (2) his Republican opponent is going to be (probably) weak. But if unemployment edges to 9.5% (or higher) as expected, and economic growth remains all but stagnant .... the Republicans can have Donald Duck as their candidate and President Obama's chances for re-election will be slim.