Panetta Warns Of Budgets Cuts Weakening Military -- Washington Times
Defense spending cuts slated to take place if a congressional “super-committee” fails to reach a deficit-reduction deal would exact “catastrophic damage” on the military, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Tuesday.
The Pentagon already faces budget cuts of more than $450 billion over the next decade that were agreed to in President Obama’s July debt deal with congressional leaders.
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Panetta: Keep U.S. Edge With 'Carefully Targeted' Cuts -- Defense News
Panetta begins to prepare Pentagon for budget cuts -- Reuters
Austerity bites Britain’s military budget -- Global Post
Shin Bet chief: Schalit swap 'is the best deal possible' -- Jerusalem Post
Iraq says it's asked for 5,000 U.S. trainers, awaits reply -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
Italy to use military to guard merchant ships against pirates -- Reuters
Shrinking Military Aircraft Fleets -- Ares/Aviation Week
Iran says radar can detect small unmanned drones -- Stars and Stripes/AP
U.S., China military conflict unlikely -- UPI
US Army wants firms to show off armed helicopters -- Reuters
Sikorsky’s Next Gen Helos -- Defense Tech
Army Slices Norwegian-built Weapons Deal By $1.6 Billion: Exclusive -- Aol Defense
M113 Replacement Taking New Importance for the Army -- Ares/Aviation Week
No Cell Towers, Big Problem: Army Aims for Battlefield Network -- Danger Room
Army honors top inventions of 2010 --
Bereavement study to focus on 3,000 survivors -- Air Force Times
Will Same Sex Marriages Pose a Dilemma for Military Chaplains? -- ABC News
Army sec: I’d give us ‘B+’ on acquisition reform -- DoD Buzz
Army Acquisition Must Change To Survive -- Carlo Munoz, Aol Defense
Welcome Our New Autonomous Robot Overlords! -- Ares/Aviation Week