Poll Finds Pride In Military, But Not For Afghanistan, Iraq Wars -- CNN
(CNN) -- America marks the 10th anniversary this week of the Afghanistan conflict, the longest running war in the nation's history. And since the first U.S. troops headed to the mountains and valleys of the Hindu Kush in October 2001, the United States entered yet another war in Iraq.
"These wars, this time period has been unique in our history," said Paul Taylor, one of the authors of a study published Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. "This has been the longest period of sustained conflict in our history and the fight has been carried by the smallest share."
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Development of S-500 air defense systems behind schedule - paper -- RIA Novosti
U.S. sees missile defense deal with Russia by May -- Reuters
Russia Does Not See Imminent Antimissile Pact With U.S. -- Global Security Newswire
Japan eyes easing of joint arms development -- Reuters
Korea: Military to purchase 40 helicopters to support amphibious landing -- Korea Herald
Retired Officers Urge F-16 Sale to Taiwan -- Defense News
Libyan civilian toll from NATO bombings still unknown -- McClatchy News
In Libya Feat, NATO Draws Harsh Lessons -- Defense News
Iraq Militants Brag: We’ve Got Robotic Weapons, Too -- Danger Room
NATO Ministers to Discuss Afghanistan, Libya -- New York Times/AP
Panetta: US Military Can't Make up NATO Shortfalls -- ABC News/AP
Upgrades to keep B-52s flying through 2040 -- Air Force Times
For Anyone Wondering About That Wasp Deck -- Ares/Aviation Week
U.S. Shipyards Sinking Fast; Navy Needs To Ramp Up Builds, DoD Says -- Aol Defense
Pentagon Searching for a Path Forward for Ground Vehicle Fleet -- Ares/Aviation Week
Rolls Unveils New F-35B Lift Fan Factory -- Aol Defense
Through a Glass, Darkly: Night Vision Gives US Troops Edge -- Defense Industry Daily
Armor Works’ Hyena Stealthy Spec Ops Truck -- Defense Tech
Study: A fifth of war veterans have ment
U.S. sees missile defense deal with Russia by May -- Reuters
Russia Does Not See Imminent Antimissile Pact With U.S. -- Global Security Newswire
Japan eyes easing of joint arms development -- Reuters
Korea: Military to purchase 40 helicopters to support amphibious landing -- Korea Herald
Retired Officers Urge F-16 Sale to Taiwan -- Defense News
Libyan civilian toll from NATO bombings still unknown -- McClatchy News
In Libya Feat, NATO Draws Harsh Lessons -- Defense News
Iraq Militants Brag: We’ve Got Robotic Weapons, Too -- Danger Room
NATO Ministers to Discuss Afghanistan, Libya -- New York Times/AP
Panetta: US Military Can't Make up NATO Shortfalls -- ABC News/AP
Upgrades to keep B-52s flying through 2040 -- Air Force Times
For Anyone Wondering About That Wasp Deck -- Ares/Aviation Week
U.S. Shipyards Sinking Fast; Navy Needs To Ramp Up Builds, DoD Says -- Aol Defense
Pentagon Searching for a Path Forward for Ground Vehicle Fleet -- Ares/Aviation Week
Rolls Unveils New F-35B Lift Fan Factory -- Aol Defense
Through a Glass, Darkly: Night Vision Gives US Troops Edge -- Defense Industry Daily
Armor Works’ Hyena Stealthy Spec Ops Truck -- Defense Tech
Study: A fifth of war veterans have ment
NATO Ministers to Discuss Afghanistan, Libya -- New York Times/AP
Panetta: US Military Can't Make up NATO Shortfalls -- ABC News/AP
Upgrades to keep B-52s flying through 2040 -- Air Force Times
For Anyone Wondering About That Wasp Deck -- Ares/Aviation Week
U.S. Shipyards Sinking Fast; Navy Needs To Ramp Up Builds, DoD Says -- Aol Defense
Pentagon Searching for a Path Forward for Ground Vehicle Fleet -- Ares/Aviation Week
Rolls Unveils New F-35B Lift Fan Factory -- Aol Defense
Through a Glass, Darkly: Night Vision Gives US Troops Edge -- Defense Industry Daily
Armor Works’ Hyena Stealthy Spec Ops Truck -- Defense Tech
Study: A fifth of war veterans have mental health issues -- McClatchy News
The American military and civilians, worlds apart -- Jason Ukman, Washington Post
Drone War Strategies -- David Ignatius, Real Clear World
Rise of the Drones -- Defpro
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,682 -- AP
US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,477 -- Washington Post/AP
Panetta: US Military Can't Make up NATO Shortfalls -- ABC News/AP
Upgrades to keep B-52s flying through 2040 -- Air Force Times
For Anyone Wondering About That Wasp Deck -- Ares/Aviation Week
U.S. Shipyards Sinking Fast; Navy Needs To Ramp Up Builds, DoD Says -- Aol Defense
Pentagon Searching for a Path Forward for Ground Vehicle Fleet -- Ares/Aviation Week
Rolls Unveils New F-35B Lift Fan Factory -- Aol Defense
Through a Glass, Darkly: Night Vision Gives US Troops Edge -- Defense Industry Daily
Armor Works’ Hyena Stealthy Spec Ops Truck -- Defense Tech
Study: A fifth of war veterans have mental health issues -- McClatchy News
The American military and civilians, worlds apart -- Jason Ukman, Washington Post
Drone War Strategies -- David Ignatius, Real Clear World
Rise of the Drones -- Defpro
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,682 -- AP
US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,477 -- Washington Post/AP