Army General: Budget Cuts Could Hit Combat Brigades; Make Army Unable To Fight 2 Wars At Once -- Washington Post/AP
WASHINGTON — The Army’s top general says plans to slash Pentagon spending by $450 billion will force the Army to consider cutting combat brigades.
He says that will mean the military won’t be able to fight two conventional wars simultaneously — as it has done for the last decade.
Gen. Raymond Odierno, the Army’s chief of staff, says officials are developing plans to cut spending, but are committed to ensuring the force is properly trained, staffed and equipped to defend the nation.
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More News On The US Army's Concerns On Impending Budget Cuts
Army Leaders Warn Against Shrinking Forces Too Much -- New York Times
U.S. Ground Forces Face Biggest Cut -- Defense News
Odierno: US Army could shrink below 520,000 -- Stars and Stripes
Top General ‘Deathly Afraid’ of Sequestration Cuts -- Wall Street Journal
Crisis Could Rattle 'Precarious' Army As It Juggles Manpower -- Aol Defense
U.S. Army Chief Warns Cuts Could Be Made in Combat Brigades -- FOX News
The Army gets set to fight for its budget dollars -- Washington Post
Army bracing for more budget cuts, AUSA audience told --
US army fears being loser in American debt crisis -- AFP
McHugh, Odierno say cuts should hit all branches equally -- Defense News
Budget cuts mean the United States can't fight 2 wars, the Army says -- Politico
The Army makes a case for itself -- DoD Buzz
McHugh: Cuts will make remake Army -- Defense News
U.S. Army Secretary Mchugh Says Cuts Might Be ‘Catastrophic’ -- Bloomberg
Army Leaders Confident They Can Weather Budget Storm -- National Defense
Army: You Sure We Won’t Fight Another Ground War? -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
Army: Budget cuts are opportunity -- John T. Bennett, The Hill