Slain al Qaeda Propagandist’s Family Gets Condolence Calls From State Department -- ABC News
Last week, the State Department called the family of slain al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula propagandist Samir Khan twice to offer their condolences, a spokeswoman for the department said today.
Khan, a U.S. citizen, was killed in the same CIA airstrike in Yemen on Sept. 30 that killed Anwar al-Awlaki, another U.S. citizen and the alleged inspiration for recent terror attempts on the United States.
A U.S. consular official, in keeping with standard practice when an American is killed abroad, phoned Khan’s next of kin “to express our sympathy with the family,” spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.
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More News On The US State Department Offering Condolences To The Family Of An Al Qaeda Member
U.S. State Dept. contacts Khan family -- Charlotte Observer
U.S. calls kin of American Al Qaeda -- Politico
Family of Al Qaeda's Samir Khan Gets 'Condolence Call' From U.S. State Department -- FOX News
State Department 'very apologetic' over the assassination of Al-Qaida member -- Examiner
Death of Samir Khan was also a U.S. family's loss of a son -- Peter St. Onge, Charlotte Observer/Kansas City
My Comment: This 'condolence call' is a mistake. Samir Khan was an adult, and he made his views very public .... from his hatred and desire to kill Americans to his support of Al Qaeda's extremist views.