A Landmark Moment in Bangladesh's Slow Crawl Toward Justice -- Time
In Dhaka, a war crimes tribunal charged its first suspect on some 20 counts, including crimes against humanity. Delwar Hossain Sayedee, a leading figure in the Jamaat-e-Islami, the country's most important Islamist party, will now go to court Oct. 30. If you haven't heard of the case, it's not your fault — the 1971 genocide in Bangladesh is perhaps the least discussed mass slaughter in the history of the 20th century. According to some accounts, up to 3 million people were killed and hundred of thousands of women were raped in a nine-month orgy of violence as Pakistani soldiers and loyalists to Islamabad tried to quell the rebellion that eventually led to East Pakistan splintering off into the independent state of Bangladesh.
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More News On War Crime Trials In Bangladesh
Bangladesh party leader accused of war crimes in 1971 conflict --- The Guardian
Bangladesh charges first suspect over 1971 war -- AFP
Bangladesh indicts Islamic leader for war crimes -- AP
Bangladesh war crimes: First charges filed -- BBC
Bangladesh War Crimes Tribunal Indicts Islamic Leader -- Voice of America
WNU Editor: Wikipedia has more background information on the war that led to today's war crime charges.