The Risks of Obama's Immoral Drone War -- Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic
Every American bears a share of the blame for the innocents killed and the imprudence of weakening historic restraints on the president.
Every Western democracy has answered the question, "How should the power of the leader be checked?" In the United States, we separated the role of the sovereign into three co-equal branches, incorporated the Bill of Rights into our written Constitution, and scheduled regular elections when the people, having observed the actions of the executive and legislative branches, regularly decide whether to oust them from office or send them back to Washington, D.C.
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My Comment: I would not call it immoral .... I am not one who believes that all wars and conflicts are immoral. There are evil people in the world .... and yes .... some of them do deserve to get their butt kicked. But Conor Friedersdorf does have a valid point on who is being put on the CIA's kill-list, and who is overseeing this program. The killing in the past month of 3 US citizens from a US drone strike in Yemen should give everyone pause (and does to me), and it makes you wonder on where we such authorization stop. But I think it is too late .... we have crossed the Rubicon and where it may lead is now anyone's guess.