In A World With Seven Billion People, The Power Balance Will Shift -- Hamish McRae, The Independent
Asia and Africa will determine what happens with population growth.
Seven billion. Next week the world's population will, according the UN, reach seven billion and a baby born somewhere in the world will be designated the seven billionth baby – just as Adnan Nevic, now a healthy 11-year-old living in Bosnia, became the six billionth when he was born just after midnight on 11 October, 1999.
There is, of course, a spurious precision about this. We may have passed seven billion already – there are some suggestions we got there three months ago – or if the US Census Bureau is right, it will not happen until next March. But the detail does not matter.
Seven billion. Next week the world's population will, according the UN, reach seven billion and a baby born somewhere in the world will be designated the seven billionth baby – just as Adnan Nevic, now a healthy 11-year-old living in Bosnia, became the six billionth when he was born just after midnight on 11 October, 1999.
There is, of course, a spurious precision about this. We may have passed seven billion already – there are some suggestions we got there three months ago – or if the US Census Bureau is right, it will not happen until next March. But the detail does not matter.
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My Comment: The short answer is yes .... if this population shift is also followed with changes in economic and social conditions. But will this happen? Hmm ... tell me when the population of the world hits 10 billion.
There is, of course, a spurious precision about this. We may have passed seven billion already – there are some suggestions we got there three months ago – or if the US Census Bureau is right, it will not happen until next March. But the detail does not matter.
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My Comment: The short answer is yes .... if this population shift is also followed with changes in economic and social conditions. But will this happen? Hmm ... tell me when the population of the world hits 10 billion.