With Muammar Qaddafi Killed, Is Libya's War Over? -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
Muammar Qaddafi was killed today by guerrillas near his hometown. His death dramatically limits the chances of a long-running insurgency in Libya.
The details of Muammar Qaddafi's death are still trickling out of Sirte. While the full circumstances of his killing aren't yet clear, beyond the fact that he appeared to meet his end at the hands of Libyan revolutionaries, a new chapter in Libyan history has been opened.
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My Comment: With Gaddafi dead and his remaining sons also either dead or on the run .... this war is now over. The focus for the new government will be on how to win the peace, and in a tribal society like Libya's .... with a long history of revenge and pent-up hate .... that is not going to be an easy task.